Embark on a thrilling Shore Excursion from Brest France Port of Call and discover Quimper town & the traditional village of Locronan

In the morning we will come and pick you up at your Cruise Port in Brest. Meet your English speaking driver who will go over the itinerary and program of the day with you. Then board your comfortable air conditioned minivan and begin your journey towards the town of Quimper. 

Quimper Town Visit

Arrive in Quimper the ancient capital of French Cornwall. As you reach the heart of the historic town, one cannot miss the St Corentin Cathedral with its massive bell towers. The historic center is composed of small streets that are lined with half timbered houses.

Most of the street names actually refer to medieval corporations and as you stroll through these narrow streets you will certainly feel as if you were taking a leap back in time. The destination is certainly one of the most authentic in Brittany and a walk along the Odet River is a real treat. Enjoy some free time in Quimper for personal discovery and lunch. 

Locronan Village visit

In the afternoon, arrive in Locronan. The village is extraordinary and was one of the most prosperous of the area thanks to the sail making industry. From its Golden Age, the village has retained Renaissance houses built of Granit, an old well, a very large church as well as a stunning chapel that is located at the end of Rue Moal.

The village is part of the Most beautiful Villages of France association and has known an increase in the number of visitors as it also ran for the title of Preferred Village of the French. Enjoy some free time for personal discovery and there are also great shopping opportunities for those who wish to bring back some very local souvenirs.

After the visit we will drive back to your Cruise Ship in Brest and that will be the end of our services.


cruise port terminal, Brest

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